Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Where's Wally? Here are your tasks: Check out the grammar in the first paragraph of this Wiki article. Identify all the passive verbs there. covers an area-bounded by-Both flow southward to Lake-Toronto's ravines allows-which was t the end-includes many watersheds that drain-the Government of Ontario unveiled the boundaries-stretching from Niagara Falls- The green belt is designed to- have implemented growth- restricting urban growth. Discuss with your partner why the verbs are in the passive. Compare them with the actives. Now identify all the prepositions there. Discuss what each preposition is used for. What verbs are associated with each preposition? What nouns come after each one? Check out the meaning and pronunciation of the paragraph. Write down and discuss your list of the 10 hardest words to read/understand with a partner. Write down and discuss your list of the 10 hardest words to pronounce. Take turns reading it to each other. Write a True/False quiz of 5 statements on your blog. Have your partners put their answers in the comments.

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