Wednesday, March 2, 2016

What would you do if you got this voicemail?

Much of medical communications these days rides on digital technology!

Here are your tasks:

1. Role play: Scheduling a Medical Appointment
2. Listen to this voicemail.  Then write down the following information:
  1. Addressee:
  2. Contact number:
    416- 490- 1540
  3. Doctor’s name:
  4. caler Roger
  5. New Appointment date/time:
    Thursday Jun 15 and 3:15 pm
  6. Old Appointment:
3. Take dictation of the voicemail and publish it
Hi:this is massage for Sam from Dr caler Rogers`office.
I'm calling inform your an appointment this Friday rest schedule toThursday June 15 and 3:15 pm .
If you have any unable to make that time please call us back at 641-490-1540.
Have good day. Bye.


  1. Good job Eman. You wrote many things, but I thing you must listen again and change phone number and some words to get the correct meaning.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, the times don't match in the short answers and dictation. Pls check.
    Also, the appointment time needs to be checked.
